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Luv2Danz is a dance studio that provides everyone with a place to dance by offering various genres of dance. We aim to help you get on the dance floor with confidence. We are passionate about dance and fun, and the two go hand in hand (Lucky us!).


You are never too old or too young to dance and share in the benefits that it offers...Exercise and fitness, weightloss, increased confidence and social interaction, memory retention and muscle memory, it helps with discipline...the list goes on! There is however ONE big benefit...FUN! Make memories that will last a lifetime..your matric dance...the first dance at your wedding. We also spice up any party, year end function and even bachlorette to suit your entertainment needs or theme.


Our sense of social responsibility has lead to our involvement in fundraising for human causes as well as creating an awareness of the plight of wildlife in our country i.e. Rhino proaching and canned lion hunting. This also includes the community around us. 




March against elephant and rhino poaching

Unity College- Opening of new facilities

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